Ad Order Instructions:
Select the size of the ad you are placing to get started.
Enter the quantity of ads you are placing in the QTY box, then click "Add". Enter the name of the SFFSC member in the referral drop down. Choose the name of the Event from the drop down .
Click the "Choose File" button to upload your electronic, print-ready ad. If someone else is providing the ad or you need our designer to create an ad for you, please email the ad or the content for the ad to
All ads/ad content must be received and paid for by the deadline to be included in the event.
SFFSC Show & Competition Ad Sales Fundraiser
Sioux Falls Figure Skating Club’s Spring Show is our largest annual event, and a great opportunity for our skaters of all levels to proudly show off the skills they work so hard to learn! We also host the ISI Challenge Cup Competition which brings in skaters from surrounding communities and various clubs for this event.
Our Shows & Competitions are also a great way for the community to support our skaters by purchasing advertisements for our events! Competition ads will be displayed on the competition webpage. Spring Show ads will be included in our Spring Show Memory Book. Revenue from advertising sales helps us provide quality programming supporting skaters to achieve their goals on the ice and also helps our skater families reach their individual fundraiser goals.
You can choose to advertise in the Spring Show Memory Book or the ISI Challenge Cup Competition, or a combination of our events with a variety of ad sizes and prices to choose from. Ads can feature your favorite skater or promote a business. Please share this info with your friends, family, and businesses you frequent and invite them to purchase an advertisement from us!
SFFSC Home Club, Aspire & Secondary Members: 25% of the revenue from ads you sell will be applied to your fundraising requirement. Please make sure the advertiser lists you under referral drop down on when purchasing their ad to help us track ad sales by member. Click here for family support page.
Thank you for your ongoing support of our skaters!
Ad Details
Deadlines:- ISI Challenge Cup Competition Ads: All ads must be submitted and paid for by 3/1/25
- Spring Show Memory Book Ads: All ads must be submitted and paid for by 4/1/25
Prices & Sizes:
One Full Color Ad Pricing- ISI Challenge Cup Competition Only OR Spring Show Only
- Full Page (8” w x 10.5”h / Pixels: 768 x 1008) = $125
- Half Page (8” w x 5.125”h / Pixels: 768 x 492) = $75
- Quarter Page (3.875” w x 5”h / Pixels: 372 x 480) = $50
- Business Card (3.875” w x 2.5”h / Pixels: 372 x 240) = $25
- ISI Challenge Cup Competition & Spring Show OR choose to include ads in the same event.
- Full Page (8” w x 10.5”h / Pixels: 768 x 1008) = $210 ($40 savings)
- Half Page (8” w x 5.125”h / Pixels: 768 x 492) = $140 ($10 savings)
- Quarter Page (3.875” w x 5”h / Pixels: 372 x 480) = $90 ($10 savings)
- Business Card (3.875” w x 2.5”h / Pixels: 372 x 240) = $45 ($5 savings)
Questions? Please direct any questions you have to